The Warwick District Council Planning portal has been updated for the forthcoming Housing Development in the neighbouring fields that adjoin our Ground for the planning application for the approval of reserved matters (external appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 125 dwellings pursuant to outline planning permission.
It’s reference number is W/19/0784.
This planning application is the most detailed to date and can be accessed by clicking onto: (** see bottom of article).
It shows the proposed design and types of the dwellings that Bovis Homes are applying for, as well as the proposed site layout of the Housing Development.
There are now 48 documents published on the Application under the ‘Document’ tab. They are well worth viewing, so you are kept abreast of Bovis’ intentions and designs, especially the overall layout, which can be found as a document at:
There is no date yet for when the matter will be heard and considered by the Planning Committee. However, it is likely to be at June’s or July’s meeting.
Members will be kept informed of any further news of the Housing Development, as and when information is made available.
(** – there seems to be some issues with the above links working. They do one day, not the next! If that is the case when you try and the page says ‘Document Unavailable’ when the link takes you there, click onto the ‘search’ button above it and the type in ‘W/19/0784’ please or do a separate internet search for ‘Warwick District Council Planning’, then when the page pops up look for ‘simple search’ and type in ‘W/19/0784’ and submit to access the documents. Thanks).