Please find details of our summer coaching for the outdoor season 2023 below for our junior boys and girls and ladies. Please register for all cricket other than All Stars and Dynamos by completing the form via this link
If you are a new joiner then the first session your child attends will be considered a taster but payment will be required before your child attends a second coaching session. The season registration cost is identified next to the relevant session below. Please note no match fees are payable for junior games.
We have no indoor facilities so coaching will be cancelled in inclement weather.
Training Times
Monday evening year 7/8 coaching 5.30pm-6.45pm (£90)

Monday evening year 9+ coaching 7pm-8.15pm (£90)
Tuesday evening Reception, year 1 and year 2 mixed softball coaching 4.15pm-5.15pm (£50)
Tuesday evening year 3 mixed softball coaching 5.00pm-6.00pm (£50)
Tuesday evening year 4 mixed softball coaching 5.15pm – 6.15pm (£50)
Tuesday evening year 4/5 mixed hardball coaching 6.00pm-7.15pm (£90)
Tuesday evening year 5/6 mixed softball coaching 6.15pm – 7.15pm (£50)
FULL – Waiting list for Tuesday evening year 6 hardball coaching 7pm – 8.15pm (£90)
Tuesday evening girls only hardball cricket 7.15pm – 8.30pm (£90)
Tuesday evening ladies only softball 7.15pm – 8.30pm (£50)
Sunday morning for those aged 7 and under mixed softball coaching 9-9.45am (£50)
Monday evening coaching is for boys in year 7 upwards and will commence on Monday 15th April 2024 and end on Monday 12th August 2024. Provided there is no senior fixture scheduled, coaching will still run on Monday 6th May and Monday 27th May despite those days being bank holidays.
Tuesday evening coaching is for junior/infant school age children and girls in year 7 upwards and will commence on Tuesday 16th April 2024 and end on Tuesday 6th August 2024. There will be no Tuesday coaching on Tuesday 28th May 2024 due to half term.
Sunday morning coaching will commence on Sunday 14th April 2024 and run until Sunday 28th July 2024. There will be no Sunday coaching on Sunday 26th May.
The cost for a softball course for the 2024 outdoor season is £50. The cost for a hardball course for the 2024 outdoor season is £90.
Coaching will be cancelled in inclement weather and you will receive notice of that cancellation through Teamer. There are no refunds for cancelled or missed sessions.
If you are registering for a hardball coaching session, please note that session will run as a mix of hardball and softball skills coaching. It is also our assumption that any child registering for a hardball session will have all their own hardball equipment – box/abdominal guard, pads, gloves, helmet, bat, thigh pad (optional), arm guard (optional).
Places are limited. If any group is oversubscribed, that coaching time will have simply disappeared from the form and will not be an option for you on the form – it will say waiting list instead.
Once completed registration form has been processed and your child added to Teamer, you will be sent a payment link to pay the relevant registration fee for the 2024 outdoor summer season through Teamer. This is likely to be the weekend following you completing the form and not instantaneous.
Club Facilities
The club will be open at the times our sessions are scheduled. Both male, female and disabled toilets are in the clubhouse.
First Aid
In the unfortunate event first aid is required a basic first aid kit will be on the field of play and the club asks that the parents of the injured child spring into action first. All the Club’s coaches are qualified first aiders but it is better for all concerned if parents administer first aid. Coaches are always there to support if needs be.
Welfare Officer
The Club’s Welfare Officer is Stephen Kelley. His contact details are on the youth noticeboard in the clubhouse if needed.
If attending a softball session and your child has a bat please bring it with you for them to use at the coaching session.
If attending a hardball session please ensure your child brings all their protective equipment – box/abdominal guard, helmet, pads, wooden bat and gloves as a minimum.
Any queries please contact Jane on 07787 343056, jkthomas@talktalk.net
Jane Thomas, KCC Youth Administrator