Housing Development update (* there have been further updates since – AS 28/11)
The latest news is that a Formal Planning Application has now been submitted to the Warwick District Council Planning Authority on behalf of Bovis Homes – under reference number W/19/0322 – for 7 x 3-5 bed dwellings to be built. They are to be located at the edge of the fields closest to Warwick Road. These dwellings will be the start of the development. The application and its associated documents showing the proposed lay out that is being applied for can be inspected by following the below link and by inserting the above reference number.
The Club’s Housing Development sub Committee are now considering this application and deciding whether or not to make comment on it.
The Reserved Matters stage for the remaining (now ‘up to 118’) dwellings in the development has yet to be formally applied for.
For your information, there was no formal notification to, nor further engagement with, the Club by the developers regarding this latest application prior to it being made and submitted to the Planning Authority, following our last meeting with Bovis Homes and their consultants in January 2019.
However, as promised, Members will be kept advised of any developments and news over the matter, when known.
Andy Smith, Hon. Secretary, KCC