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As promised, I provide Members with the latest update of the forthcoming Housing Development that was also emailed out to Club Members recently.

Bovis Homes have now submitted a new planning application – which will be the start of the first building phase on the neighbouring fields. It is numbered on the Warwick District Council Planning portal as application W/19/0322. This is for the construction of 7 dwellings (between 3 and 5 bedroomed properties) that front on to Warwick Road itself. Comments were requested by Warwick District Council to be submitted by 29.03.2019. The Club submitted a ‘neutral’ response, neither supporting nor objecting to the application. Plans of the proposed layout of the houses pertinent to this particular application can be seen on the document titled ‘Detailed Soft Landscape Proposal’ that was published onto the Application on 01.03.2019.

Furthermore, this application should be read in conjunction with the original outline planning permission that was granted in April 2018 for the ‘up to 125’ dwellings (application W/17/2150), as two new documents have now been uploaded onto that, dated 28.02.2019. These latest documents ought to be viewed by members. They are entitled ‘Design Code Part 1’ and ‘Design Code Part 2’. Page 47 of ‘Part 1’, at paragraphs 6.40 and 6.41, details and/or illustrations are shown of the ball stop netting and fencing and also on page 69 (para. 7.13) and page 75 (para. 7.27) of ‘Part 2’.

It would appear that Bovis Homes will be submitting further planning applications, in due course, so that the 125 dwellings are achieved. There are likely to be 4 phases of the Housing Development as it progresses with the 7 houses (W/19/0322) being the first phase. If granted, the construction of these 7 dwellings will commence in September 2019 with others to follow over the next 2-3 years.

An Environmental Health Consultation Report, published 25.03.2019 onto this planning application (W/19/0322), with regards to the Construction Impacts and the recommended conditions sought for the control of noise, dust management, burning and hours of work on the site is one that the Club concurs with. This was also an agreed condition to the first outline Planning Permission granted and the Developer’s consultants have since confirmed that it will be enforced. The Club also seeks a condition (or confirmation by the developers) that the installation and the future maintenance of the security fencing and ball stop netting, pertinent to this application, will be the responsibility and the liability of the Housing Developers and once erected, of any subsequent Estate Management Company and not that of Kenilworth Cricket Club, which is a totally voluntary run sporting Club.

It will be noted on going through the documents above that on the Southern field boundary a 9 metres high ball stop netting will be installed (on the development side), a 7 metres high ball stop netting within the eastern field (towards the railway line) and security fencing to protect the Club from any unwanted trespass. There is indicated on the drawings a gate access (under the Club’s control) for the Eastern field. The plans do not yet indicate a similar one for the Southern Field.

Clarification from the Developer’s consultants has recently been sought over the proximity of the closest dwelling to the club (as part of the 7 dwelling application), of the security fencing and ball stop netting and they have responded in red to our points raised below before the Club finally submitted its formal response to the latest planning application, as follows (it is a bit technical):


1. The exact distances of the dwelling lines with the Club on its Southern Boundary with the Housing Development.
The exact distance between Plot 1 and the red line is 4.54m

2. The type of security fencing that is being proposed to secure the Ground (and the Housing Development) and at what stage that it is to be installed/constructed, its height and its initial length, especially as the footpath/cycle way that will be constructed will egress from the Housing Development at its North West corner with the Club’s Ground.
Bovis are looking to supply 240lm of 1.8m high Triple Point, W-Section Palisade. This will be fixed to 45 x 45 RSA Rails and supported on 100 x 55 RSJ Posts. All the metalwork will have a galvanised finish. These exact specifications are based on a provisional quotation and though Bovis could seek an alternative supplier with an alternative specification, they will ensure that it satisfies the same physical requirements.

3. The provision (and construction) of the ball stop netting for the most northern house on this particular Application that would benefit from its installation.
Bovis are looking to supply and install 112lm of 7m high Cricket Ball Stop Netting. Consisting of 50 x 50 Polypropylene netting clipped to high tensile line wire, this will be supported on 114mm Dia Intermediate posts and 136mm Dia Straining posts with struts. They are also looking to supply and install 116lm of 9m high Cricket Ball Stop Netting. Consisting of 50 x 50 Polypropylene netting clipped to high tensile line wire, this will be supported on 114mm Dia Intermediate posts and 136mm Dia Straining posts with struts.

4. Further details of drainage works and piping that could affect the Cricket Club to avoid any potential flooding issues to the Ground, albeit it notes on the illustration (page 8) the general flow of surface drainage water on the Development.
Bovis have not made any further decision on the foul drainage strategy because each strategy / outfall route is in the process of being costed by their commercial team. When I have further information on this I will let you know but as yet, no decision has been made on this.

5. That all the Conditions as agreed at the Outline Planning Permission stage, will be maintained and enforced, particularly with regards to the construction hours on the Development.
I confirm that all of the conditions agreed at the outline planning permission will be maintained and enforced. We have submitted an application to discharge planning conditions 7 (site-wide masterplan) and 8 (design code). We are seeking to progress further applications to discharge all of the remaining conditions in due course.


Members will ALSO soon notice that there will be some Heras safety fencing installed on the Club car park edge along the wall of the disused stable block as Bovis Homes identified potential Health and Safety issues which means this fencing will remain in situ until the stable block is demolished and removed over the next few months, albeit that area will be in Phase 4 of the construction which will be the last phase to be started. The Club has permitted for this to be installed, so as to avoid any potential damage or injury being caused to vehicles and users now that the matter has been raised as a H&S issue. Once the stable block is demolished the Heras fencing will be moved onto the boundary line. There should be no loss of any actual car park space following its installation.


If members have any points that they wish to raise, have ideas about, give assistance to or comment on the above, please make contact with me or a member of the Housing Development sub-Committee who, in any case, will seek the advice and assistance from members, where necessary and on an ad hoc basis as matters progress further, or outsource them so that everyone is fully engaged and to benefit the Club. There are likely to be further issues and matters to consider, in due course.

The Housing Development sub-Committee members are Gordon Went, Geoff Edmunds, Andy Smith, Iain Harper, Graham Hurst, Robin Cardwell, Mark Deeley and Roger Mortimore.

Please have a look through the documents on both planning applications – W/17/2150 and W/19/0322 to acquaint yourself what is being proposed to the Housing Development.

The Warwick District Council Planning website link is:


Andy Smith
Hon. Secretary
Kenilworth Cricket Club

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