The Club wishes all Members – Players, Vice Presidents, Supporters and Followers a much HAPPIER NEW YEAR for 2021 than we had last year and says THANK YOU to you all for your continued support of it, especially in these difficult times.
In the unprecedented year that we had to endure last year, lets hope we can return to more normality of previous seasons with more cricket matches played and more use of the Club made.
However, whilst we remain in the highest tiers of restrictions, we can not open the Clubhouse. Yet, as long as the respective rules are followed, you are most welcome to come to the Ground and have a walk around it as part of your daily exercise.
A lot of Ground and surrounds work has and continues to take place by volunteers since the 2020 season ended last September, whilst the Housing Development in the neighbouring fields is continuing at pace. It’s worth popping down to have a look at the changing landscape!
The relevant Cricket Leagues are making plans and options for our various sides (Youth and Seniors) for the 2021 season and we hope that it will start on time.
To the players (and prospective players) any indoor 2021 winter nets are currently on hold, whilst the outdoor nets at the Club remain out of use.
As soon the Club has more information or updates, it will post on here, or on Social Media or via email to Members.
We look forward to seeing you this year at the Club and Ground.
Please continue to support and be part of the Club.